IVCA Vision News No. 7
           IVCA  VISION NEWS LETTER No.7  Nov. 27 2001
                                                                International Visual Communication Association
     Keeping  Amateurs  informed on Developments in Visual Communication around the world

     Ukrainian SSTV Contest
If you don't subscribe to the Yahoo IVCA Group Mail this is to inform you of the Ukrainian SSTV Contest period of 12:00 UTC Saturday to 12:00 UTC Sunday 8 - 9 2001  on 80,40,20,15.10 Meters. For complete details contact me at ray@junct.com

     Surface or Snail Mail VISION News Letter ?
 Some have asked if we will also continue to provide a printed VISION news letter. As the folks that provided that service before are no longer available and I as the new Director of IVCA after the loss of Lew W6FVV  in an effort to get the VISION  back up and running decided to try an e-mail version. Although a few do not have web or e-mail access most have agreed to the advantages of electronic mail. More information can be provided  to more Amateurs at less cost more frequently and with Hyper text web links and even graphics. If anyone has a way to do any low cost printing  we can provide them with the current IVCA mailing list and the VISION e-mail version can be used as the source of information. In the mean time I'll add any one to the VISION mailing that send their Name,Call sign and e-mail address to me Ray W5NOO at ray@junct.com  Note: Back issues can be obtained using web Computers at home or in public libraries and Cyber Cafes that are popular in foreign countries at the following URL  http://www.sstv.de/News/news.html 

     Help Wanted
   I wish to remind  every one we still need News of activities of the members around the world to put in the VISION news letter. Send any thing you are doing or know of including graphics in JPG and GIF format including diagrams etc. to me Ramon Glidden W5NOO Editor at ray@junct.com   We also would like to learn of any good informative SSTV web page URL's links that we can include in VISION. I would also welcome any suggestions, Ideas and comments you may have.  Thank you for your inputs and contributions.

   Google Image search
I did a Google Image search for my picture on the web using only my call sign and found I was listed on a very nice SSTV home page put up by Wayne E. Donnelly KB1HJ at www.conknet.com/~kb1hj/ links.htm (Nice job Wayne)

   SSTV Interface Hardware
As we wrote in the first VISION news !  I find some of the new comers asking how to connect the Computer to the Xceiver.
I'm not sure if you have had a problem connecting Mic, Sound Cards and Amplified Speakers etc. to your Xceiver and PC to permit normal computer and SSTV functions. (Out of necessity I designed a special switch box interface some time back to solve this problem) If you want the diagram e-mail me at ray@junct.com  We also now have several new commercial Interface Box devices to use for the digital and SSTV modes, The newest one is by TigerTronics the SL-1 Signal Link at $49.95 see QST Oct. 2001 for details we also have similar devices by the Rig Blaster Co, and MFJ Enterprises Note: you can down load digital and SSTV software programs for Windows and DOS from the  Rig Blaster folks at http://www.westmountainradio.com 

    Video Cameras Digital and Web Cams and Scanners
When I think of the difficulty we encountered trying to construct a vidicon tube type Video SSTV Cam and also trying to modify a commercial Blk&Wht Video cam into a scan converted SSTV cam, over 30 Years ago. Even 5 years ago I was unable to purchase a digital Cam in Tulsa Oklahoma, today the stores and catalogs have a large number of digital  Mega Pixel and Web cams and digital Camcorders. The Intel Co. has a new line of inexpensive Digital/Web USB and Web USB  cams that will operate even with Windows XP. The Charged Coupled Device CCD invention has made the small Low cost cameras practical. My construction of an early  CRT Flying Spot SSTV Scanner did work but was sure crude compared to today's high resolution Flat Bed Scanners,  The new applications for cameras seems to be unlimited, now used for conferencing, security and surveillance and facial recognition etc.,Video Cams are in use by the  thousands at locations around the world. (I find pioneering however is just not a piece of cake) 

   Computer Tips
As even the stand alone SSTV systems benefit from storage and the ability to modify pictures etc.using computers,much of the SSTV operation is moving to the windows computer sound card systems. I find lot's of new functions and features and programs on the web as share ware and freeware downloads. I will include some programs and useful tips in the Vision News and request anyone to also send any thing they find useful. Tip: If you only have a 56k modem and wish to speed up your web downloads a good program is the "Down Load Accelerator Plus"   (it tries to download from several web locations and is possibly 100 times faster) available at http://www.speedbit.com  

                                    Happy Viewing    73 Ray W5NOO IVCA Director/Editor


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