IVCA Vision News No. 13
IVCA  VISION NEWS LETTER No.13    February  20  - 2002                       
            Keeping  Amateurs  informed on Developments in Visual Communication around the world
     The IVCA SSTV 2002 Contest Rules
The annual DX SSTV contest this year will be held on April 6 and 7 starting at 0000 UTC to 2400 on the 7th.. You must exchange a two-way Video transmission in any SSTV mode which includes a number that begins with 001 and receive a number report  from the other station (Note: No RSV report required). You will receive 5 points for each station contacted in your zone. You will receive 10 points for each station you contact outside your zone.There are six zones as follows; North America (including Central America and the Caribbean). South America, Europe (including Russia over to the 60 degree East Longitude), Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. For stations worked on bands other than 20 meters you have a multiplier of  X2 with the exception of 15 meters which has a multiplier of X3. Satellite exchanges are X3. You can contact the same station on different bands for more points. We will award a trophy to a first time winner in their zone and also a certificate to repeat winners. When the contest is over please send in your log, even if you only had a few contacts to an address to be announced later.  We will send the contest results in the VISION News Letter. To be counted your logs must reach the IVCA  by May 25 2002. Note: the original proposed contest date was changed to avoid a conflict with the Japan NVCG SSTV contest!

    Slow Scan TV Timing Problems   (Let's get it straight automatically)
I find as we watch and listen to the popular 14.230 MHz frequency that we have lots of new SSTV operators calling in and trying to adjust their picture timing to eliminate the picture slope. This I believe is the most common problem we have with SSTV. This has plagued us with all the various SSTV computer programs from the early DOS to the newer Windows sound card and hardware setups. I realize most, including me. don't like to  read the  "Help" information details  but the process to set timing for transmit and receive is usually a little complex or confusing. I hope some day a smart programmer will write software  that can perform the timing calibration operation completely automatic and we can see more pictures and spend less time getting it all straight. (perhaps some timing or control information in the frame header. Note: some SSTV programs adjust using WWV as a reference and some software can even set the internal computer clock timing or reset it automatically to N.B.S. time when you go on line) Perhaps we need a new approach to the timing adjustments. Put a different way it seems that software programmers are just smarter than most of us SSTV operators!       .Ray W5NOO

  . Pasokon Interface Board  (how lucky can I get)
After the lightning strike I described in VISION news No.11, where  my Pasokon Card was damaged, later while talking with Ron  Smith N4XQN he indicated he had a spare that he then sent to me. (SSTV operators are just the best) The Pasokon was one of the early hardware\software SSTV setups, It runs in DOS and has all but the very latest modes like MP 115 etc. I personally find Pasokon easy and convenient to operate with lot's of nice features. We however still like to try all the new SSTV operating systems and modes and software programs. Ray W5NOO

   Power Line Data Communications  (More new uses and no more meter readers)
As we mentioned in a previous Vision News letter how power lines may be used for computer Internet  web operation in the future I now have learned that the Power Companies have found out how to use the power lines to obtain meter readings remotely, at homes, etc. When this is implemented  it will do away with the "Meter Reader Man" going around to obtain readings from the customers. Note: this should solve the future meter reader dog bite problems! Next we wonder if e-mail will one day also eliminate the mail man and home delivery!

   .Computer Tips  (Did you ever empty the Recycle Bin or accidentally hit the file delete?)
Deleted file recovery  is possible using Windows 95,98,ME,NT, 2000 and WinXP operating systems, if you have not written over the deleted files with new data. If you down load the  free program Drive Rescue  at the following location  and install it on your hard drive prior to the accidental file deleting action.
The "Drive Rescue" file recovery program shows if recovery is possible and shows the condition of the file as Good or Poor.
The file should preferably be sent to a second drive or floppy, etc.that has the necessary storage space for recovery. (The web page gives complete operating instructions and details).  
   More Google search engine tricks. If you go to Http://www.google.com  and type in a phone number in the little search window when you are on line it will do a reverse lookup and show the name and location of that phone number!

    Need More Hard Drive Storage?
We now have more storage possible with the massive hard drive by Maxtor the new model 3000XT  holds 160G of data and is available as an Internal or External firewire unit.  So now you ask just what is the limit, as this new drive is a 48 bit device that uses a bridge board to exceed the old 136G limit.  It may however  be possible to even go to 2200G's in the future and record and store and edit full length full screen non compressed movies or perhaps have a personal copy of all the information in Library of Congress! HI

   Digital SSTV ? (The Web with motion color and sound versus SSTV still frame )
It would seem that as we are able to use a 56k dial up modem to send compressed digital Video Phone and digital Video Mail, over a normal home phone line with  high color and motion and near Hi-Fi quality audio, that it would also be practical to use Digital SSTV for  a similar function over  HF radio. I have used a number of the video phone and video mail programs like the  Ham favorite  "Internet Phone 4" by Vocal Tec and  "Vmail" program by Chilli Soft and also "Webcammail" and "PalTalk"  and "Audiovision"  by Smith Micro and also several more free programs that are no longer available.  Note: usually these various programs use a compressed streaming video Codex or the Real Media compressed  format and generally provide a small or  medium size screen display.(a small video window takes less band width but has a surprisingly high quality color display with reasonable motion at even around 24 FPS and also can have very good audio. I would like to receive comments on these ideas, or is this just my wishful thinking.  Ray W5NOO

 Help Wanted 
We need the viewers to send in any news or information of activities or comments or suggestions related to Visual Communications using  SSTV or Fast Scan TV, etc., to me Ray W5NOO at ray@junct.com  Also any information or
computer tips that the viewers may find useful. We also need some one to act as the IVCA meeting chairman or MC at the next Dayton convention on the 17,18,19 of April.2002. We need a volunteer to check the SSTV IVCA DX contest logs and declare a contest winner.

Notice of Resignation
Due to increasing problems with my eyesight and difficulty with walking I will not be able to attend the next Dayton convention and continue on as Editor of the VISION news and also as IVCA Director. I suggest that the members contact me with suggestions and names for a replacement Editor and also a separate individual as Director this can be voted on at the next Dayton meeting. I'll continue on as Director/Editor until these positions can be filled in June. You can also cast an e-mail vote and send recommendations to me  Ramon Glidden W5NOO Director/Editor at ray@junct.com  also.I'll post the possible nominees in the future VISION news letters. (Old Slow Scanners Never Die We Just Need Large Screen Text.)

                                               Happy Viewing          Ray W5NOO Editor/Director IVCA


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